27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Rummynose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendens)

 Ortak İsim
Rummynose  Rasbora
 Bilimsel Adı
Sawbwa resplendens
Omnivor(Etçil ve Otçul)
Kendi türünde, daha büyük balıkların yanında, stres yapabilir.Çok çekingen bir balıktır.Her ne kadar barışçıl bir mizaca sahip olsada, dişi için erkekler arasında rekabet fazladır.Bu yüzden gruplar halinde bakılma, 1 erkeğe 3 dişi gelecek şekilde ayarlanma yapılmalıdır.
Mümkün olduğu kadar küçük hacimli yemler verilmelidir.Bakımı kolay değildir.Akvaryumlarda bakılsa da, hazır yemleri kolay kolay kabul etmeyebilir.
Akvaryum suyunun kontrollü olarak dengelenmesi gerekir.Ani ph ve ısı değişikliklerine karşı duyarlı bir balıktır.Hareketsiz durağan suyu sever.Yeni başlayanlara tavsiye edilmez.
Çabuk stres yapabilen ve kendinden daha büyük balıkların bulunduğu akvaryumlarda oldukça ürkek olan bu balık yeme gelmeyebilir.Tehdit algıladığında, akvaryumunuzdan dışarıya atlayabilir.Akvaryumunuzun kapağı kapalı olmalıdır.
22C - 24C
 Maksimum   Boy
3 cm
Erkeklerin burun ve kuyruklarında kırmızı renkler vardır.Dişiler daha büyüktür.
Üretimi çok zordur.Yumurtaları bitki yaprakları üzerine bırakır.Yavrular çok ince taneli yavru balık yemleri ile beslenmelidirler.

 Ana renkler
 Gümüş, Kırmızı

Common Names:
Asian Rummynose 
Naked Microrasbora 
Rummynose Rasbora
Sawbwa Barb




Asia; Mayanmar (Burma)

Main Ecosystem:
Lake; Inle Lake, Mayanmar, Asia and its surrounding waters are the only place this fish is found in the wild.

Timid; This fish is quite peaceful in a species tank or in a community, althought the males can be nippy while competing for the attention of a female. It's suggested to keep these fish in no less than groups of six fish, preferably more. If possible, having more females than males will help keep the males from being aggressive toward one another. As these fish are quite small, they may not compete well for food in a community setting, and could easily be scared into hiding. So, a large shoal is best for these rasboras. The tank should be covered as these little fish may jump if scared.

Ominvore; As this fish is not widely available in international markets for sale, many of the specimens purchased might be 1-3 generations removed from the wild fish in Lake Inle. So, there maybe be a reluctance for them to accept flake and prepared foods.

be sure to feed the a variety of foods such as small plankton or daphnia, and a good flake. Be sure to provide food that is small enough for their tiny mouths.

The Asian Rummynose will not do well in acidic waters. Their home waters in Lake Inle are highly alkaline, having a bed of calciferous rock. They are sensitive to large swings in temperature and pH so, they may not be the best fish for the beginning fishkeeper. Good quality, stable water conditions are a must for this fish.

I'd suggest keeping your shoal of Asian Rummynoses in at least a 20g tank, especially if its a community tank. This will give them plenty of room to move about and shoal well. Also, consider a heavily planted tank with lots of floating and planted plants, to mimic their natural habitat. The locals living around Lake Inle actually grow garens of tomoatoes, hibiscus and other vegetables in the rich substrate of the lake, creating vast floating gardens. 

As these are lake fish, little or no water movement is preferred. They color best when their natural habitat is replicated in a peaceful species or community tank. Other than their sensitivity to temperature and water quality, these are hardy little fish. Interesting for a cyprinid, this fish is said to be scaleless. I have also read that they have very small scales. So take care to medicate very gently only when needed, especially with meds containing copper.

7 - 8

22°C - 24°C

72°F - 75°F

12 dH - 20 dH

Potential Size:
Male: 3.2cm (1.3")
Female: 2.5cm (1")

Water Region:
All; This fish will cover all areas of the aquarium, and prefer a heavily planted tank, with places to hide.


The male has the "rummy-red" nose and red tips on his tail fins. He has a milky or blue-ish body and is a little larger than the female, who lacks the red coloration. She is typically more silver in coloration.

It seems as if these fish prefer cooler water temps in late winter in their natural habitat in order to encourage spawning. Temps between 57-64 F seem to be when they spawn most in the wild, the females leave eggs on the underside of leaves and in spawning mops. The eggs should be protected from the parents and other fish in the tank.

There is not much known about home spawning as these fish are not readily available out in the market.


This information was compiled by searching various websites on the species. I have only just begun to keep this fish myself.

Main Colours:
Silver, Red

No Markings



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