Ortak İsim | Mavi Göbekli Goby Chiclid |
Bilimsel Adı | Spathodus erythrodon |
Dağıtım | Tanganyika Gölü |
Beslenme | Besleyici canlı gıdalar, dondurulmuş gıda ve tablet verilebilir.Ispanak, marul, yosun gofret ve salatalık ve pul yem de sebze ile sağlamalıdır. |
Mizaç | Orta Derece Ağresif. |
Bakım | Tecrübe gerektirir. |
PH | 7,0-8,5 |
Sıcaklık | |
Maksimum Boy | |
Cinsiyet | Erkek ve dişiler çok benzemektedir farkı ayart etmek çok zordur. |
Üreme | Dişiler akvaryumun bir yerini temizler ve erkeği çağırır.Dişi yumurtayı ağzına alır,erkek döllemeyi dişinin ağzında yapar.Dişi 30 Yumurtaya kadar ağzına yumurta alabilir.Kuluçka 16 gün civarı sürer. |
Açıklama |
Family: Cichlidae
Distribution: Spathodus erythrodon, sometimes known as Blue-spotted Goby, is a freshwater species endemic to Lake Tanganyika, Africa, with the exception of the southern end. It is rarely seen in more than a foot of water; it is often found right on the rubble shoreline.
PH: 7.0 – 8.5
Temperature: 25°C – 27C (77 – 81F )
Hardness: 10 – 20 dH
Description: Spathodus erythrodon can reach a maximum length of around 9 cm . This species has some distinctive blue and gold spots and a set of blue lips, giving it its common name. Their bellies are lighter than their bodies and there are some blue elements to the dorsal tail and anal fins. This species has heavy, sharp pectoral fins and eyes that are located towards the top of their heads.
Diet: Spathodus erythrodon can be given nutritious live foods, frozen food and tablets. You should also provide it with vegetables – spinach, lettuce, algae wafers and cucumber – and flake food.
Breeding: The Blue-spotted Goby is a mouthbrooder. You should house a group of about six Spathodus erythrodon in a tank and wait for them to pair off. Females will clear a spot in the tank and attract the male; she will lay only one or two eggs and hold them in her mouth. The male will fertilise the eggs in the female’s mouth. The whole process will be repeated several times until there are 10 – 30 eggs. The female will carry the eggs until they hatch and spit one or two fry onto the spawning site; the male will then play his part in the process by holding the fry in his mouth for 9 – 16 days. Provide small stones and shells for the fry to hide in once they are released from the male’s mouth.
Comments: Spathodus erythrodon should be kept in a tank of at least 30 gallons . Your tank should have a system of caves – rocks or flowerpots will do – that reach to the surface. You will need a sandy substrate in the tank; you should also put the tank near the window to catch the natural sunlight. The Blue-spottted Goby will require weekly water change: 10 – 15 per cent should do. This species is reasonably easy to look after and is most likely suitable for newcomers to the hobby.
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