23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Chalinochromis brichardi

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Chalinochromis brichardi
Bilimsel Adı
Chalinochromis brichardi
Tanganyika Gölü
Orta derecede agresif.

24C - 26C
Maksimum Boy
16 cm
Belirgin bir fark bulunmamaktadır.
Bir kovuğa 120 kadar yumurta dökerler. Yuvanın etrafı çok iyi korunur. Anne ve babayı yuvayı beraber korurlar. Yavrular 10 günde serbest yüzer hale gelirler.
Dayanıklı bir balıktır, kayalık bölgeleri severler, akvaryumda kayalık bölgeler bulunmalıdır. Yavruların vücudunda boyuna 2 adet çizgi bulunur, bu çizgiler büyüdükçe kaybolur. Proteinli yemlerle beslenmeli, ara ara canlı yem takviyesi yapılmalıdır. Yavaş büyüyen bir türdür.

Scientific Name: Chalinochromis brichardi

Habitat: Shallow Precipitous Rocky Habitat

Diet: Omnivore

Gender Differences: Monomorphic

Breeding: Substrate Spawner

Temperament: Mildly Aggressive

Conspecific Temperament: Mildly Aggressive

Maximum Size: 5.5"

Temperature: 77 - 79°F

pH: 8.6

Water Hardness: Very Hard

Difficulty: 2
The Chalinochromis brichardi owes its name from Belgian, Pierre Brichard. Brichard was responsible for exports from the lake as early as 1971, and the publishing of the first good book on Tanganyikan cichlids. While "Fishes of Lake Tanganyika" is dated now, it is still a great reference. The C. brichardi lacks any body striping as an adult, which differentiates it from other Chalinochromis. They dine of small crustaceans, insect larvae, and other live food that live in the aufwuchs. In eating this food, they also ingest sediment algae and sand. In the aquarium they can be fed on mysis shrimp, krill, flakes, pellets, mosquito larvae and artemia (brine shrimp)
Pronunciation: Refer to our Pronunciation Key for an explanation of the phonetic symbols.
 Habitat: This is the primary location where the cichlid is found and is a generalization. This does not 
  mean a fish cannot be found in other habitats.
 Diet: Many cichlids specialize in eating one type of food; notwithstanding, some of these specialized
  feeders are flexible and can be opportunistic feeders.
 Temperament: This describes the overall demeanor of a cichlid toward other tankmates that 
  are of a different species. Consider that there is variability in temperament due to various factors,
  including aquarium size, tankmates of similar appearance, stocking levels, and order of introduction.
  There may even be some variability among individual specimens.
 Conspecific Temperament: This describes the overall demeanor of a cichlid toward other tank-
  mates of the same species. Consider that there is variability in temperament due to such factors as 
  aquarium size, stocking levels and order of introduction. There may even be some variability among 
  individual specimens.
 Maximum Size: This is in regards to total length (including the tail) of typical aquarium specimens. 
  Wild specimens may not attain this size, or may in fact grow larger than aquarium raised individuals 
  due to various factors. Also consider that this is the typical maximum size and there are exceptional 
  individuals that will exceed it.
 Difficulty: This measure is a relative value, comparing a single species against all other cichlids. 
  This only accounts for maintanence in the aquarium and not breeding considerations.
  1 = easy and forgiving, 5 = extremely challenging.

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